Vanessa is tireless in her service to the well-being of others, She is an inspiring role model with a very positive attitude. Vanessa is helpful with turning challenges into opportunities.
“With Vanessa, you will get relational intelligence, deep listening, empathy, intuition, big picture thinking, finding the common ground, and bridge building. What is unique for this type of leader, however, is her track record of courage. She possesses book and street smarts, with the emotional strength to handle pushback and conflicts. She has no problem confronting the status quo. Being a leader isn’t a role, it’s who she is.”
Vanessa is a woman who will go that extra mile in supporting you to achieving any goals you might set for yourself. She will inspire you to look beyond your circumstances and see your possibilities. Vanessa will work with you to make it happen. Genuine, warm, welcoming, open, caring, empowering, encouraging; these are a few of the words I would use to describe Vanessa Truett.
Vanessa Truett is an intelligent, confident guide deftly weaving information, resources and understanding into a web of support helping both individuals and organizations reach their potentials. Vanessa understands how assumptions and oppressions can limit our vision and without blame, Vanessa gently leads us to our higher selves.